Creating a Network of Solutions to Build Success
We all have those ideas that can make something better. Why not turn them into reality? Here are some steps to turn something small into something bigger to help bring in the big dollars.
It takes a special person to be entrepreneur. You need to have passion, drive, motivation, and the means to make it a reality. What's the process? First you get an idea, quickly followed by brainstorming and working out the kinks of the plan. Then it's time to begin creating the product or service.
Then you market. Online marketing is growing and popular because it's necessary these days. If you want to build success online, you can make a website builder work for you, helping you launch your online business. Once you begin marketing online, you can work to make your original idea as profitable as possible with activities that help you get those sales.
Growing Your Network of Solutions
The seed: It's the random thought you have to make something better. You at first think it's iffy...surely someone else has already thought of this. But it lingers in your mind, and you think about it some more. Ideas are like seeds. The more you think about them, the more likely they will take root and slowly grow.
What kind of ideas are we talking about here? It could be anything. Is it an improvement of something already in place? A new invention, perhaps? Or do you want to branch out on your own and start a business using your unique talents and skills? The beauty of an idea is that it is full of possibility. And with a healthy dose of determination and drive, you can turn that idea into something very profitable.
Brainstorming: With dedication, passion, and drive you can turn your idea into something that will bring in the green, and it starts with brainstorming. Because you initially have so many random thoughts, free writing is a great way to capture every detail. So grab a pen and a journal and start writing. Keep a note pad with you because you never know when you'll get an idea. The idea behind free writing is that you don't worry about what "makes sense" or what "might really work." You don't worry about which step you'll take first or how you'll manage the details. You just jot down random ideas. You can organize these thoughts later.
As the flow of random ideas begins to slow down, you can begin the process of organization. At this point, it might be easier to create a Word document of all your ideas so you can move them around more easily to come up with in an order that fits. During this organizing phase, feel free to group your thoughts however you want and rearrange until you have a clearer vision of your plan.
Roadmap: So how do you transfer brainstorming to dollar signs? You create a business plan. This includes a product description, market analysis, competition assessment, marketing, sales, possible manufacturing, and finance. A business plan is your roadmap. It will require some more thought and a bit more of a commitment on your part. A thorough business plan can steer you to the green. Even if your approach is informal, you need to completely detail each aspect of the plan because investors and clients will respond more favorably when all bases are covered. You have to be able to clearly describe what you plan to market-benefits, what problem it solves for the consumer. Knowing exactly who your potential customers are can help you direct dollars most effectively. And last but certainly not least, knowing how much you really need to start and continue operating is a must when approaching investors and setting sales goals.
You're in Business
Load up on carbs and stay hydrated. You're going to need lots of energy to turn your idea into a reality. You are now an entrepreneur, and hard work comes with the territory. So as you set the foundation for your new business, keep focused and continue working hard.
Getting Found Online: Surely you've noticed that almost everyone has a website. If someone wants a product or service, they search for it first. Having a website is imperative if you want to compete in today's market. You can actually do this yourself. You'll end up with a basic website, but at least your product or service can be found online. Most free websites and Web hosting packages are free with a website builder. And website builders allow you to use a template to create your website and are designed to be easy enough for children to navigate. Once you have your template set up, you just add your text and images, and you're set. You can get more technical by adding widgets and nifty tools if you want. And eventually, you can opt for a custom design as budget allows.
Reaching Your Customers: As you created your business plan, ideally you were able to gain an understanding of your market. Now it's time to use that knowledge to increase sales. Who is your target market? What solution do you provide to them? How will they find you online and or in your local community? If you begin building a marketing plan to attract new buyers and increase your sales, know that these plans are evolving. What doesn't work you can toss out. What does work you can build on. Part of your marketing approach will be your customer service strategy. How are you going to keep current customers and attract new ones? Since most consumers turn to the Internet, it helps to know which sites your target audience uses the most to find the type of product or service you're providing.
Before You Know It: Yes, it does take time to grow a business-you know that. It will be a roller coaster, that's for sure. You'll have lots of highs, times when things seem to be going perfectly. And other times will require more patience. No matter what happens as your business "grows up," you should be proud. You took an idea and worked to turn it into something amazing.
by Andreea Townsend
About the Author
Andreea Townsend is a copywriter for Network Solutions®, provider of Web marketing solutions that help small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed with Web hosting, SEO, PPC, free websites and more.
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